The work at your business extends across departments. Whether HR is onboarding a new employee, customer service is creating a ticket, or any number of other processes are taking place, the task often requires work by more than just one department.

And just as the task calls for workflow across departments, it also calls for workflow across applications. Multiple teams in multiple departments need to see and act on data associated with that process—in their own best-of-breed apps.

To make that inter-application workflow possible, companies connect apps using process integration, which accounts for not only the data but also its context. Process integration (also called “service integration”) syncs both primary data and related data, making the full picture available to those who need it.

Connecting Best-of-Breed Apps

To meet the pressing needs of automation, data accuracy, and rising customer expectations, an all-encompassing “suite” of applications isn’t the answer. It’s expensive, it demands cultural change, and data becomes increasingly locked into one vendor. And if your “one app to rule them all” goes down, where does that leave your entire company?

On the other hand, integrating best-of-breed applications at the process level gives your organization flexibility. It gives you more control over your data and enables you to work with the best applications in the various application spaces.

There’s a reason that different apps are known for different purposes. And there’s a reason that different departments in your company favor working in different apps. Some apps do ITSM best, others CRM, others Development planning, and so forth.

Elevating Visibility and the Customer Experience

With the right integration solution in place, customer experience improves and leaders get confident visibility that helps inform more effective business decisions.

We’ve thought through all the ins and outs of process integration. And now, this critical information is available for you in The Unrivaled Guide to Process Integration for Service Management.

In this guide, you’ll learn why companies integrate specific processes, what a good process integration looks like, and how you can maintain the health of your process-integration solution.

Click below to download the guide.

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