In some cases, organizations may work across, and so wish to synchronize multiple ServiceNow instances. For example, managed service providers can integrate their ServiceNow instance with a customer’s ServiceNow instance to support a SIAM initiative. 

Some enterprise-scale organizations may use multiple ServiceNow instances internally, and wish to align them for a consistent and up-to-date view of enterprise data. 

Mergers and acquisitions can result in an organization using multiple ServiceNow instances that they may wish to synchronize to benefit alignment within the organization.  

What is Data Synchronization?

Data synchronization describes the practice of synchronizing data between two or more systems to create and maintain a single-source of truth across the enterprise.

Who Needs Data Synchronization?

Data synchronization is essential for modern, data-driven organizations. Such organizations often work with complex enterprise architectures with various technologies and data sources. 

Without the right solutions, managing the data collected and generated from multiple systems becomes complex, and can lead to outdated data, poor data quality and low confidence in the data and insight available. 

Data synchronization solutions help reduce this complexity and improve data quality by ensuring systems throughout the enterprise reflect a single source of truth.

Manual Data Synchronization is Unsustainable

Smaller organizations may find manually synchronizing data viable. But as data volumes grow, a dedicated solution for synchronizing data – such as an eBonding solution – is required.

By eliminating manual processes from data extraction/migration, data synchronization reduces errors while making operations more time-efficient. It keeps your databases up-to-date and secure, ensuring consistency across different data sources and systems.

With data synchronization, your teams can securely access a real-time view of accurate data. Data synchronization improves data availability and democratization, making it possible to share a single source of truth across the organization.

Benefits of Data Synchronization for ServiceNow

Data-driven enterprises can enjoy numerous benefits by synchronizing their ServiceNow data across multiple instances:

  • Extend ITSM Workflows across multiple ServiceNow instances, teams and third-parties
  • Improve data democratization and data availability, so the right data is available to the right people in a timely manner
  • Support Service Integration and Management (SIAM) initiatives, enabling real-time connectivity and improving alignment between vendors and customer organizations
  • Achieve transparency and real-time visibility across departments working towards the same goals.
  • See also: The Unrivaled Guide to Data Integration for Service Management

How to Synchronize Multiple ServiceNow Instances

Multiple ServiceNow instances can be synchronized through integration solutions and applications, such as ebonding solutions.

Such integrations enhance data availability, allowing your teams working on different ServiceNow instances to collaborate, by sharing data dynamically, and securely across systems.

Well-planned integrations facilitate the secure exchange of data between systems automatically. This secure data transfer setup creates new avenues for cross-collaboration across the enterprise. 

When your teams can access critical data readily, organizations are more able to leverage the expertise of their employees, to get more value out of their data. Automated solutions for data synchronization increase staff and process efficiency, making data transfers dynamic, quick and cost-savvy. 

However, teams and specialists may only want to share a portion of their data – some data is highly sensitive and context-specific. So, a simple data copy-paste approach won’t work. 

Instead, companies need advanced integration and bonding methods that can selectively filter, transfer, encrypt, and obfuscate the data. This helps them remain privacy compliant while catering to the customers’ needs. 

Example Use Cases for Synchronizing Multiple ServiceNow instances

A ServiceNow to ServiceNow integration via a native application can facilitate secure data sharing across teams without needing to introduce third-party applications that may undermine the security of ServiceNow

Here are two use cases where you can benefit from synchronizing multiple ServiceNow instances:

QC & Customer Support

While your quality control wing tracks and monitors product issues, your customer support team deals with tickets/incidents reported by users. By integrating QC and customer support instances, the two groups can share specific data that pertains to both wings. This would improve incident tracking, customer service, and error resolution.

Enabling SIAM to Support Collaboration Between Vendors and Suppliers 

For organizations reliant on managed service providers, data synchronization between the vendor organization and customer organization can improve alignment, ensuring both sides of the equation are working from a single-source of truth.

Perspectium – The Most Secure and Reliable Way to Synchronize Multiple ServiceNow Instances

Since ServiceNow data is sensitive and critical to the daily functioning of numerous enterprises, it’s essential to choose the right integration solution.

For organizations with large volumes of ServiceNow data, Perspectium is a ServiceNow-endorsed, ServiceNow-native application for ServiceNow data synchronization.

Perspectium integrations differ from typical integration approaches, in that they facilitate real-time dynamic synchronization between instances without impacting ServiceNow’s performance. 

This is because unlike traditional approaches to integration, Perspectium avoids relying on web-services/API calls that require ServiceNow’s bandwidth to operate. Perspectium integrations benefit from working natively within ServiceNow, and boast strong encryption and data obfuscation capabilities. With Perspectium, data is protected both at-rest and in-transit – setting them apart from the dated, ETL-based approaches to integration.

ServiceBond is specifically designed to connect your workflows across multiple instances to create a connected ecosystem. It can bidirectionally connect ServiceNow workflows between multiple ServiceNow instances to connect disparate teams and external organizations such as managed service providers. 

It can also bi-directionally synchronize ServiceNow with other, external/third-party incident fulfillers, and ITSM tools, keeping them in constant sync. 

Such bi-directional synchronization greatly benefits enterprises as changes to one instance are automatically and dynamically recreated in real-time in connected systems. 

Through Perspectium, teams working in different ServiceNow instances always have an up-to-date view of ServiceNow data across the enterprise, giving them the confidence to analyze and make decisions based on the correct data.

The best part about partnering with Perspectium is that you need not build or maintain the integrations. You don’t need access to – or to expend internal resources on – a dedicated team to facilitate the synchronization. Instead, Perspectium’s experts handle the integration implementation, maintenance, and updates. 

And as it’s delivered as a No-Code ServiceNow-native application, business/non-technical users can interact with the integration via the ServiceNow interface with which they are already familiar.

With Perspectium, ServiceNow integrations become much easier to facilitate and manage.

Speak with us to learn more about Perspectium integrations for ServiceNow data synchronization, or to discuss your integration plans with our ServiceNow integration experts.

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