DevOps is all about improving the relationship between development and IT operations by advocating better communication and collaboration between those groups. And if you get it right, DevOps can bring significant benefits, including shorter time-to-market, improved customer satisfaction, better product quality, more reliable releases, improved productivity and efficiency, and the increased ability to push the right changes and update internal systems by fast experimentation.
... but one of the biggest challenges has always been having the tools used by each group talk to one another. The development team have no visibility of the operational impact that software changes are having on the business, and the operations team have little understanding of what work has been prioritized by development, and when it will be pushed into production.
Perspectium changes all that.
This was the challenge faced by a global insurance company – who needed a way to connect their service management system (ServiceNow) to multiple instances of their development issue-tracking tool (Atlassian Jira Software). This wasn’t an integration that could be handled by a batch job – it needed to be a real-time, bidirectional integration including attachments, comments, workflow transitions and more. We heard a similar requirement at a mid-size MSP, who had a need to consolidate issues from their customers’ Jira systems to their central ServiceNow instance. We have even come across situations where our customers need to consolidate Jira to ServiceNow within the same department.
By connecting these systems together, our customers tell us that they have better information flow between development and operations teams. The operations staff can see where their escalated problems are going, and how they are being addressed by the developers, and the developers in turn, get to become part of the service management process and have a clear line of sight to the issue that created (for example) the change request in the first place.
Only Perspectium gives you the real-time, bidirectional integration that you require to connect development and operations in a meaningful way. One-way integrations only provide value for one team (which is NOT what DevOps is about), and batch data transfers could easily mean that your development team is spending time on a problem that had already been fixed.
To find out more, or to arrange a demo, click on the Contact Us button at the top of the page.
Integration is no longer optional.
There are different ways to move data between systems
but they are NOT all the same.
The swivel chair approach is used in many companies. Someone reads data from an internal system, and re-enters it in the service provider’s tool. It may be transactional (like incident to request) or batch (import CMDB from customer) … but either way, its inefficient, error-prone, and a risk to meeting response and resolution SLAs.
Businesses with large IT organizations often turn to the do-it-yourself approach. Writing your own integrations (or having a consultant do it) might sound like a cheaper way of connecting to your suppliers, but anyone who has done it will tell you otherwise. Creating and maintaining custom integrations is both inefficient and expensive. And what happens when the person that created the integration is no longer available?
Integration toolkits came into being in the mid-2000s as an attempt to solve this problem. And while they might get you part of the way there, you still have to learn a proprietary language to create an integration, and YOU are still responsible for the data getting from point A to point B. These toolkits are often nothing more than an ETL bus, and a collection of adaptors. It’s the IKEA of integration – you still build it yourself, just from larger pieces.
... and then there’s Perspectium. Perspectium delivers integrated solutions. That means that we take responsibility for getting data from A to B. Nothing to write, assemble or maintain – we deliver a solution that is complete from end to end. All delivered as a subscription service with 24/7 support, in monitored and automated datacenters, with onboarding and customizations included
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